Career Conversations: 5 Questions for Staying Alive in Your Job

Do you have days at work when time stands still? ‘Wondering if you should be doing something different?  Before you jump on the job boards, there are plenty of things to consider to energize yourself in your current work. Consider the following 5 questions from Gallup: What do you know you can do well butContinue reading “Career Conversations: 5 Questions for Staying Alive in Your Job”

Career Conversations: 7 Steps – Anger to Action

Situation: Your co-worker is in very upset after a heated conversation with his boss.  He is very angry and calling the boss all sorts of names and using words like, “crazy,” stupid,” idiotic.”  What do you do? a. Roll your eyes, agree and add another ‘name’ to the list. b. Walk away. You’ve heard thisContinue reading “Career Conversations: 7 Steps – Anger to Action”

Career Conversations on Social Media

Most of us know what not to post on our social media accounts.  More than 69% of employers have rejected some applicants on the basis of what they found. Even when not in job search mode, we can manage our professional reputation (aka Brand) by what we share. Match your postings to your online goalsContinue reading “Career Conversations on Social Media”

Career Conversation: Job Security through Expertise?

Expert      Go-to Person      Experienced         Seniority These are terms we earn when we’ve mastered a subject, process, task, etc. This mastery comes through formal education, trial and error, practice as well as time-in-task. When this knowledge is valued (someone pays you money) you have job security.  Until…. Tragedy! New equipment is brought in that doesn’t useContinue reading “Career Conversation: Job Security through Expertise?”

Career Conversation on Large Scale Change

You are reading and hearing a lot about streamlining federal agencies with domino effect on private sector and non-profits. What does this mean to you?  You’ve been seeing job cuts and re-organizing.  Don’t panic! But do pay attention… You likely have already experienced taking on additional roles and tasks that were previously covered by now-unfilledContinue reading “Career Conversation on Large Scale Change”

Before You Leap – Have a Career Conversation

You’re doing great work, got a good performance review, but you want to be promoted and keep your career moving. Your boss says she needs you to do the job she hired you for. You have to “pay your dues.”  What does that mean?!? So you’re stuck.  Should you look for a new job?’ BeforeContinue reading “Before You Leap – Have a Career Conversation”

Phased Retirement – Make Your Case

Many companies and federal agencies offer a way to ease out of the work you love and into the next phase of your life formerly called retirement. A phased retirement strategy offers flexibility. As you approach your retirement age or time in service you can reduce your work hours or work in a different capacityContinue reading “Phased Retirement – Make Your Case”

Career Conversations – 7 Tips for Managers

By definition, in most organizations managers are expected to develop people as well as get ‘the work’ done. I can hear all the reasons why this is not a priority for you. The most common reason is lack of time; the urgency of the work takes precedent over long-term productivity. Do managers with high turn-overContinue reading “Career Conversations – 7 Tips for Managers”

5T Approach for Career Conversations

In my March blog, I gave you 9 tips for starting career conversations.  Some of the most important career enhancing conversations are about getting meaningful feedback – observations of the impact of what you’re doing both successfully and things that could be done better. Do others share the same opinion of you and your workContinue reading “5T Approach for Career Conversations”

Friends – What are you expecting?

I’ve been hearing a theme from people and reading the advice columns of how often we are disappointed with our friends. It sounds like this: “I always do [fill in the blank] for her, but she never reciprocates.”  “I was there for him, but now he’s too busy to help me.” Whether its remembering birthdays,Continue reading “Friends – What are you expecting?”