Adaptability & Flexibilty are Top Workplace Skills

The international staffing agency Randstad issued a report in August detailing the results of their ongoing surveys that are part of the Randstad Engagement Index.

In this report, respondents show increased optimism and security in their jobs. Among the many data points I’m intrigued by the skills needed for continued success.  Respondents rated “flexibility” and “adaptability” as top skills needed to succeed in the workplace, followed by “knowledge of technology” and “teamwork” respectively.

How have you demonstrated “adaptability” in the past few weeks?  Consider your responses to proposed changes in your work.  Has there been a situation where you stepped up to help someone else in addition to your own work? Have you relinquished control over something? Perhaps you shared your knowledge or a cultivated resource to further a project. Being adaptable is not just about being compliant; it includes the  sincere desire to make or do things better. Often it means being in a very uncomfortable stage – consider adaptations in nature when plants and animals must adapt to changes in their environment or to keep from becoming a delectable food source.

If you are in job search mode, how have you adapted this new environment? Consider the work habits you’ve transferred to your job search. You have likely stretched outside your comfort zone to make new contacts and to learn new skills – social networking, preparing for interviews, writing and delivering accomplishments, job search strategies, etc.

What does “flexibility” look like?  Often its just the willingness to re-schedule time commitments. It is also the willing to consider and try a different solution that isn’t comfortable to you.  Could it be reserving “right” or ‘wrong” judgements to consider another viewpoint? Thank about the creative approaches you have taken…or could take.

I’d like to hear your examples of these.

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