After the Interview – Your Next Step

The interview is over and you can take a deep breath.  The people who just interviewed you spent their time and efforts to determine if you are the best fit for the role. Do you appreciate this? Then let them know.

After the interview most of us immediately begin to replay in our heads what we said, and what we wished we had said.  In either case, take these thoughts and make them work for you.  Craft a thank you note to (1) express your appreciation and enthusiasm for the job, (2) remind the person of your key assets for the role, (3) add an item you didn’t discuss to reinforce that you are great for the job.  Send a customized note to everyone who interviewed you with a comment about your specific conversation with them. Don’t delay; send it within 24 hours.

Allison Doyle, the job interviewing expert at says, “When asked about the most appropriate way for candidates to follow up, 38 percent of managers surveyed said that hand-written notes were acceptable, while 87 percent said email worked. 81 percent said a phone call was appropriate, as long as the interviewee didn’t call multiple times. Social media is another way to say thank you, with 27% of managers considering it acceptable. Only 10 percent thought text messages were appropriate.”

Don’t think a thank you note makes a difference?  A well-written note shows professionalism, courtesy and can be the determining factor between you and someone who doesn’t send one.